Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's Ladies Night

First , I want to clear up some pervasive beliefs...

1) Jogging isn't the best way to get in shape. In fact, for physique, jogging is fairly overrated. Think about the demands on human evolution. Humans are evolved primarily as hunter gatherers. A significant component within that lifestyle was endurance running. And after eons of tracking animals, the body is extremely well designed to run long distances efficiently (amazing cooling system through sweating, little body hair..hopefully, short total limb length for less mechanical work) so efficient that a human can run farther than a horse on a hot day. This means that while you might be breaking a sweat, your jog is not very a very demanding on your muscles. Your body needs more work. Leave the cruising cardio comfort zone. Trade in your daily jog for sprints and lifting. There's a reason sprinters and weightlifters have more lean muscle mass than distance runners. And you want to be lean and fit, not skeletal. 

2) Lifting weights won't get you 'bulky'. Of course if you do some resistance you will feel your muscles swell up. But at rest muscle takes up less space than fat. So if you want slim, you want muscle. And your body is working against the bulk because women have 10-30 times less of the hormones that contribute to bulking or "hypertrophy" in men. You aren't maxing out or taking steroids, so there is no reason you'll suddenly transform into some musclebound mutant. Resistance training is the most effective way of using up fat stores and building lean muscle through dynamic exercises that work a host of muscle groups. High intensity resistance utilizing full range of motion/balance/ high repetition will achieve the long lean muscle you want. And never say "I'm afraid of getting a 6 pack." It's funny how many times I've heard this. Get to that realm before you start worrying about it.*

3) No elliptical. In fact, unless you're rehabbing, you shouldn't touch that thing. I know fitness means different things to different people and I respect that, but the meditative benefits of jogging and yoga aren't my focus. 

These workouts are to be done at an extremely high pace. After you have completed your warm up, the program should take no longer than 60 minutes. Each ROW is a unique workout. Read left to right.

*Congratulations! You've achieved a six pack. If you find that nasty, take a three week break from the crunches and then you and Marisa Miller will have the same stomach.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to try this today!

Mel! said...

get a tan snow white!! and post some more girls workouts. im done with week 1.

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